Dataset for the "Key Topics in environmental sociology, 1990-2014" (Bohr and Dunlap 2017). Contains 815 abstracts for sociology articles containing one of the following terms: climate change, environment and society, environmental behavior, environmental concern, environmental problems, environmental sociology, environmental values, or pollution. Dataset was provided by Jeremiah Bohr on January 10th, 2022.
author. Author(s) of the article
title. Article title
journal. Journal in which article was published
journal_rank. Prestige of article by impact factor
abstract. Text of the article abstract
citations. Number of citations to the article
year. Year in which the article was published
cite_year. Citations per year.
Bohr, Jeremiah, and Riley E. Dunlap. (2017).
"Key Topics in environmental sociology, 1990-2014:
results from a computational text analysis."
Environmental Sociology 4(2)181-195.