A dataset containing the sensorimotor scores for nearly 40,000 English terms across six perceptual modalities and five action effectors obtained from Lynott et al. 2020
term. unique word (lemma)
auditory.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly word is experienced by hearing
gustatoy.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly word is experienced by tasting
haptic.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly word is experienced by feeling through touch
interoceptive.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly wordis experienced by sensations inside the body
olfactory.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly word is experienced by smelling
visual.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly word is experienced by seeing
foot_leg.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly word is experienced by performing an action with the foot/leg
hand_arm.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly the concept is experienced by performing an action with the hand/arm
head.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly the concept is experienced by performing an action with the head excluding mouth
mouth.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly the concept is experienced by performing an action with the mouth/throat
torso.mean. mean rating (0--5) of how strongly the concept is experienced by performing an action with the torso
auditory.sd. standard deviation of auditory strength ratings
gustatoy.sd. standard deviation of gustatory strength ratings
haptic.sd. standard deviation of haptic strength ratings
interoceptive.sd. standard deviation of interoceptive strength ratings
olfactory.sd. standard deviation of olfactory strength ratings
visual.sd. standard deviation of visual strength ratings
foot_leg.sd. standard deviation of foot action strength ratings
hand_arm.sd. standard deviation of hand action strength ratings
head.sd. standard deviation of head action strength ratings
mouth.sd. standard deviation of mouth action strength ratings
torso.sd. standard deviation of torso action strength ratings
max_strength.perceptual. highest strength rating across six perceptual modalities
minkowski3.perceptual. minkowski distance (with exponent 3) of the six-dimension vector of perceptual strength from the origin
exclusivity.perceptual. range of perceptual strength values divided by their sum
dominant.perceptual. perceptual modality with highest rating
max_strength.action. highest strength rating across five action effectors
minkowski3.action. minkowski distance (with exponent 3) of the five-dimension vector of action strength from the origin
exclusivity.action. range of action strength values divided by their sum
dominant.action. action modality with highest rating
max_strength.sensorimotor. highest strength rating across all 11 sensorimotor dimensions
minkowski3.sensorimotor. minkowski distance (with exponent 3) of the 11-dimension vector of sensorimotor strength from the origin
exclusivity.sensorimotor. range of sensorimotor strength values divided by their sum
dominant.sensorimotor. sensorimotor modality with highest rating
n_known.perceptual. number of perceptual raters who knew the concept well enough to rate
list_n.perceptual. number of perceptual raters who completed the item list featuring the word
percent_known.perceptual. percentage of perceptual raters who knew the concept well enough to rate
n_known.action. number of action raters who knew the concept well enough to rate
list_n.action. number of action raters who completed the item list featuring the word
percent_known.action. percentage of action raters who knew the concept well enough to rate
mean_age.perceptual. mean age of perceptual raters
mean_age.action. mean age of action raters
list_id.perceptual. ID of the item list in perceptual strength norming featuring the concept
list_id.action. ID of the item list in action strength norming featuring the concept