A dataset containing the valence, arousal, and dominance scores for nearly 14,000 English lemmas from Warriner, Kuperman, and Brysbaert 2013. The dataset is further divided into various groups of raters: Sum Total, Male, Female, Older, Younger, High Education, Low Education. To just use the aggregate sums over all groups, use the `group` variable to filter on only "Sum" rows. See Warriner et al (2013) for an analysis of group differences: "We note that group differences (gender, education level, and age), while interesting, are actually quite limited. Taking a conservative p < .01 as our definition of a significant difference, fewer than 100 words per dimension meet this criterion (education and arousal include more, with nearly 200 words each). In terms of gender, the differences seem to occur primarily in categories related to sex, violence, and other taboo topics. When these stereotypical domains are under investigation, we do advise people to consider gender differences in the ratings. The semantic categories for other group differences were more difficult to define. In general, unless there is an already established reason to consider group differences, using the overall. Sum ratings is, we feel, completely valid."
term. unique word
valence_mean. valence mean for respective group, score for positive/negative
valence_sd. standard deviation for valence
valence_raters. number of raters
arousal_mean. arousal mean for respective group, score for active/calm
arousal_sd. standard deviation for arousal
arousal_raters. number of raters
dominance_mean. dominance mean for respective group, score for powerful/weak
dominance_sd. standard deviation for dominance
dominance_raters. number of raters
group. rating group. Includes "Sum" (the overall ratings), "Male", "Female", "Older", "Younger", "High Education", "Low Education".